
2018-04-11 17:45:32 来源:中国新闻网

A retailer of international brand furniture,更引起消费者的强烈指责。

消费者送检的double bed、TV table等产品均存在严重质量问题。


该品牌涉嫌高价出售低质假冒洋货,引起消费者的声讨,foul play用作名词就是犯规动作, 与foul play相对的就是fair play了, 文中的play foul with buyers就是指欺骗消费者, 在东莞生产,就摇身一变成为高档进口家具,或者引申为不公平的行为,拒绝退货,从by fair means or foul这个习惯用法中我们也可以看出fair和foul的这种对应关系,但承认职员的销售策略有误,例如:He was booked by the referee for foul play,而其老总竟哭诉创业艰难,但某些家具采用的实为high density board, 达芬奇家具号称使用高档纯实木制作, 国际家具品牌达芬奇的某零售商坚称没有欺骗消费者,play foul一般用来指比赛中的犯规行为,单品价格动辄数十万,达芬奇家具出国一日游近日被曝光后。

which has recently been suspected of selling poor-quality fake foreign products at high prices。

称家具原产地标错,再运回国内, has insisted it does not play foul with buyers but has admitted faults in its employees sales tactics,。